Earlier this month, I attended a beautiful wedding shower for a friend. Through an afternoon of deliciously refreshing mojitos and delectable mini-cupcakes, there was one thing I could not get enough of: The mountain of cream and green wrapping paper signifying a treasure-trove of Williams-Sonoma gifts, hot off the registry.
Now I have never been one to fawn over expensive cookery (my IKEA paring knife is my favorite thing in my kitchen), but I had to work hard to 1- keep my jaw off the ground and 2- refrain from shouting envious comments at the bride-to-be, as she unwrapped a variety of high end bowls, pans, and spoons from W-S and Crate & Barrell.
So while there is no wedding, house warming or any other event that requires a registry in sight for the time being, I decided it is best to be prepared when it comes to these things and spend some time online, compiling a list of my must haves. Believe me when I say there has been some budget rearranging done to insure I get a few of these items ASAP.
Now I have never been one to fawn over expensive cookery (my IKEA paring knife is my favorite thing in my kitchen), but I had to work hard to 1- keep my jaw off the ground and 2- refrain from shouting envious comments at the bride-to-be, as she unwrapped a variety of high end bowls, pans, and spoons from W-S and Crate & Barrell.
So while there is no wedding, house warming or any other event that requires a registry in sight for the time being, I decided it is best to be prepared when it comes to these things and spend some time online, compiling a list of my must haves. Believe me when I say there has been some budget rearranging done to insure I get a few of these items ASAP.
And for my friends out there; I am still accepting birthday gifts **wink wink**
I don't know how I've managed to bake anything in the last few months without the proper measuring utensils. I find myself choosing between 4 different sized teaspoons to measure out salt or "guestimating" what a 1/2 tablespoon of baking powder looks like. I recently learned that I don't even know how to use my measuring cups which are equipted with a spout... am I supposed to fill to the brim or is the line inside the cup the "fill line"? Who knows, but as I try more challenging recipes I need to be able to measure accurately!
Silicone Counter Mat
After attempting to roll out sugar cookie dough on my old-dingy counter-top this past Friday, this little mat really appealed to me.
French Bread PanI will never consider myself a real cook until I am able to make a real baguette francais and I won't be able to bake une baguette with the pan... duh! I WILL make Julia proud.
Great Eggspectations!
Heart-Shaped Egg Fry Rings
Viva la cocina!
La Chamba Colombia Clay Casserole Dish
These two items come to us from south of the border... the mocajete is a kind of Latin American mortar and pestle used to grind herbs and spices while the clay casserole dish can be used just like any dutch oven. Can you say a juicy roast, slow cooked in that pot, seasoned with fresh herbs, ground with olive oil in that mocajete? Amazing!
This list is by no means exhaustive, as there are a few things, like a HUGE wooden cutting board or a pot rack, that just don't make sense in my current apartment but that I've mentally noted for the future. Is there anything else that I haven't considered that is a must have? Let me know!
This list is by no means exhaustive, as there are a few things, like a HUGE wooden cutting board or a pot rack, that just don't make sense in my current apartment but that I've mentally noted for the future. Is there anything else that I haven't considered that is a must have? Let me know!